North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) Practice Exam 2024 - Free Concealed Handgun Practice Questions and Study Guide

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Is it legal to carry a concealed handgun into a place of worship in North Carolina with a valid permit?

Yes, unless there is a sign prohibiting it

In North Carolina, with a valid permit, it is generally legal to carry a concealed handgun into a place of worship unless there is a clear sign posted prohibiting it. It is important to always check for any posted signage or specific rules regarding firearms at the place of worship before carrying your concealed handgun inside. This is why option A is the correct choice. While it's important to be aware of specific rules set by each place of worship, the blanket statements in options B, C, and D are not accurate under North Carolina law.

No, it's always prohibited

Yes, at all times

No, unless you have specific permission from the church


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